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Sharky's Little [GFX Shop] of Horrors

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Sharky's Little [GFX Shop] of Horrors Empty Sharky's Little [GFX Shop] of Horrors

Post  GuruSharky Wed Aug 19, 2009 1:43 pm

Okay, so I've been practicing a lot with Photoshop recently and I think I'm ready to open a small GFX shop. So welcome to Sharky's Little [GFX Shop] of Horrors!

Anyway, try not to overwhelm me cuz I'm a busy person and I can't do a 1,000,000,000 requests at once...

Ok so here's how you request something from me:


1. Be as specific as possible with what you want; I don't like to have to guess and have you be disappointed...

2. I don't make renders; I'm horrible with the lasso, please don't ask me to make a cut out of a picture...

3. Please Don't Rush Me; As I said before, I'm a busy person and it may take up to a week for me to finish your request.

4. If you don't like something about your graphic, tell me; I'm a nice guy, I don't bite, and I want you to be happy with any graphic that I make. If there's something that you don't like about what I make, talk to me and well figure out how to make it better.

In regards to your request (if anyone even decides to make a request in my shop...) here's the form:

Size: Give me the size of the graphic that you want. Otherwise I'll just make it whatever size I'm confortable with.
Render: Supply the render for me if possible.
Background: Tell me how you want the background, or please give it to me if possible, cuz I'm horrible with that...
Text: Tell me what text you want on it

Any other details: Like, I said, be as specific as possible, I want to help make the graphic as close to your vision as possible.

Oh and if I do make you a graphic, please give me credit wherever you use it.

Please Bear with me since I'm learning new things everytime I work with Photoshop

Here are some examples of some of the things I've Made:

Signatures: (Default size: 150x450)



And I guess I can make other stuff idk. lol.


I will update the shop regularly with my most recent works.
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